Two Kids, Two Cents

How to deal with hard friends? When I seem to get along with one, another doesn't like that friend. But I like them all! 

Ethan - Tough luck for your friends. They might not be friends with each other, but they are your friends and are going to have to deal with it. In the words of Ben Shapiro, “Facts don’t care about your feelings”. The facts are that they are both your friends, and their snowflake feelings don’t matter.

- This situation can be quite difficult to manage. Remember that you are your own person, and someone else’s opinion does not necessarily need to change yours. Everyone has their own stuff going on, and you may not be a part of it. If this is a regular occurrence, make boundaries and share them with your friends. Some things are more petty than others, but you should find what you think is appropriate to walk away from. 

What should one do to motivate themselves?

Ethan - [In a Southern accent], Get yer lazy butt offa dat couch and make sumthin out of your life. What use is watchin Bob’s Burgers when you could be findin the cure to that darn tootin cancery thingy. JUST DO IT!

- Some easy things you can do is to splash cold water on your face, do jumping jacks to boost your adrenaline, wear shoes while working at night so you don’t fall asleep, and play the “Coconut Mall” theme to speed yourself up. However, a more psychological thing to do is to think about how fast moments last. Things only last for a moment, and whatever you need to be motivated to do will only last that long. It may take many moments, and they may seem to drag on forever, but the time you use to complete/work on it will soon be over. It is also important to work on something when you have time. You don’t need to finish something all at once. It’s ok to break things down.

How do I find my true clothing style? I am switching through styles constantly and its exhausting, please help!  

Ethan - If you’re unable to decide, why decide at all? I recommend just going with the tried and true t-shirt and jeans. It’s truly the fit for every occasion. School? T-shirt and jeans. Wedding? T-shirt and jeans. Your own funeral? T-shirt and jeans. The only good thing to come out of the cold, unforgiving universe is t-shirts and jeans. If t-shirt and jeans has a million fans, I’m one of them. If t-shirt and jeans has ten fans, I’m one of them. If t-shirt and jeans has only one fan, I’m that one. If t-shirt and jeans has no fans, I’m no longer on Earth. If the world is against t-shirt and jeans, I’m against the world.

- Finding a style you are comfortable with can be difficult. I think that finding your style is such a good way to express yourself. One way to do that is to pick different parts of different styles that you enjoy, then combine them into something that you like. When picking a style, remember that you do not have to dress strictly within it. There is such a wide variety of styles to choose from. Why limit yourself to just one? 

I've been struggling with standing up for myself. I just want to be more confident in myself and stand up for me but I can barely even speak up, please help.

 Ethan - Hey bro, if you want to be more confident in yourself, you gotta hit the gym man. I’m talking about bench presses, crunches, curls, cardio, the whole shebang. Most importantly, never, I repeat, NEVER, skip leg day. If those bullies even catch a glimpse of your shredded biceps and sculpted calves, they’ll fold like bed sheets.

Richie - It is important to remember that you are a person worth being stood up for. One way to help your confidence is to write out you values and some affirmations. Such as “I am important”, “Just because someone says something about me, that doesn’t make it true” and  “I am in control of my own actions”. Part of standing up for yourself is to believe the things you are standing up for. Verbalizing those to yourself will make it easier to verbalize them to others.

How can I start preparing for college? What advice can you give ? 

Ethan - There really isn’t a good way to prepare for college. Admissions are just a massive lottery anyways. However, I did hear that if you show up to their office and ask very nicely they’ll let you in. Works 100% of the time guaranteed or your money back. Or you could have rich parents who can bribe admissions officers. That always helps.

Richie - Apply for scholarships and grants early (FAFSA and Pell Grant)! Apply for any scholarship that is appropriate to you. The Pell Grant is free money from the government that you don't need to pay back (Depending on how much you qualify for). Do Running Start or plan on doing the first two years at a community college, if you aren’t already. You got this!


Where’s the Trust?


On the Basis of Culture