Where’s the Trust?

     Here at Eisenhower, I have noticed many things changing. Trust between students and administration is going down, hence why most of the bathrooms are nearly always shut down. I have also seen locks getting cut in the locker rooms, mine being one of them. Fights are already starting back up again. The adults here at Eisenhower High School are not giving us any responsibility of our own after coming back from our time off, and I can understand that.

     School should be a place to learn and improve ourselves when given opportunities. As students, we have not been given any opportunities to make changes in our own school, which should be made a priority starting now. Going back to the locker issue, students should be trusted enough to hold items in lockers. However, a few students have ruined it for everybody by keeping inappropriate items in their lockers. This is a constant thing I have seen: the entire student body is losing its privileges because of the bad decisions others are purposefully making.

     Another thing I have already started seeing is fights, all around the school. Last year, there were fights in the bathrooms almost every day, and there were a few in the locker rooms as well. It also seemed like it was the same people fighting every other week. Even though administrators have suspended students because of this, students just keep fighting, leading me to believe that students just don’t care anymore. They just want to get through high school and go on with the rest of their lives.

     Personally, I think that our school is safe enough already, not including the fighting, but it could also be a better learning environment. Students skipping class to go hang out with their friends in the bathrooms, going to other classes, or just walking around the halls makes it difficult for admin to decipher whether or not a student should be trusted, leading to the loss of trust for ALL Eisenhower students. All I want is to have more freedom in our school, and I think that is possible. We all just have to all be doing the right thing to achieve that.


Is the Tardy Policy Necessary?


Two Kids, Two Cents