Seasonal Affective Disorder 

As winter nears, some people may seem off. Your friend may suddenly stop talking to you, a classmate always seems tired, or a family member may stop cleaning. You wonder what’s going on. You could be going through this slump, and it may be because of Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as SAD).

     SAD can happen and end during any of the four seasons. It commonly starts in the autumn, goes through the winter, and ends during the spring or summer. It's tricky to notice since it only happens during two seasons.

     But what about the treatment? Phototherapy is a light-based treatment where you are introduced to light as you wake up. This is for the more gloomy seasons, like autumn and winter. Then, there is psychotherapy, where you talk to a therapist and get further into your mind to find out what is going on with your mind. There is also medication, commonly antidepressants, but you’d have to find which one works best for you, and that would take patience.



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