A Fight for Your Rights

As many of you may know, a couple of months ago, Roe v Wade was overturned, meaning that the states now control our bodies and whether or not we are legally allowed to get abortions. For centuries, those with a uterus have been told what we can and can not do with our bodies, when we can or can not talk, and what medical procedures we can or can not have done. Not only does this overturning show the system is working against us, but also against those in poverty. 

     Roe v Wade was overturned under our noses; we were not paying attention and had our rights stolen. Our constitutional right to abortion was stolen.  Some states have either banned abortion or are on track to ban it. These states are Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas.

     Without access to legal and safe abortions, people will turn to “chop shops” or  “back alley abortions,” meaning completely unsafe abortions, leading to many serious medical problems and even death. While I feel strongly about this, I respect others’ opinions unless they constantly belittle those who choose abortions and whatever else they do with their bodies. 

      Whether you think you are “pro-life” or “saving the children,” there is a right and wrong way to go about it, and judging others for their choices is not the right way. You may not understand the reason behind it, as there can be many, such as mental health and whether they can truly love that baby if they can support that baby if they can even afford to have a kid at that moment. Even if you do know the reason, it still gives you no right to judge them.

     Many of the people who call themselves “pro-lifers” are simply pro-birth. You do not believe in life; you believe in people not having a right to choose and will put a clump of cells over a living, breathing human. 



Anxiety: STOP!


Two Kids, Two Cents