Be More Than Your Survival

Terrible things happen. The world sucks. Horrible things happen to great people, and sometimes the only logical thing that comes to mind is just to give up. But, what if I told you that you are more than just your survival. You are more than the seemingly impossible obstacles that life throws your way. When you feel like nothing, I swear you are everything. You are great. I know this is so hard to understand when all you may see is the hurt that life has caused, but you are more than your survival. There is a process that every human goes through when they experience trauma, but there are ways to let go and be the fullest, happiest version of you. 

These are the three big steps for growing. 1.) Realizing something isn’t suitable for the person you’re meant to be. 2.) Letting yourself feel the pain, being patient with yourself as you’re grieving, getting used to a new routine. 3.) Letting go of what was and breaking free from your shell that prevented you from growing and finally evolving.

There is no right or wrong order for your healing journey. Everyone grows and heals at a different pace, and everyone has certain things that work and don’t work for them. I do know, though, that to grow and evolve into the you with the most potential, you need to break away from the shell of you that has kept you from growing. Shedding away all of the hurt and the parts of you that are holding you back is so crucial for your growth. Whatever it may be: bad habits, toxic people, harmful working environments, etc. Break free so you can grow into the you that you’re meant to be. Realize that you are so much more than what you think and what others make you think you are. You are enough. You were made with the potential to be something great. Even when it feels like you messed up and don’t deserve another chance, fight through it. It all comes down to letting go of what was. Letting go doesn’t have to be physical; some people can’t leave the physical circumstances holding them back, but they can look at things from a different perspective and get help. Let go of who you used to be. Make the present you better.

At some point in time, you need to focus on the present you. The more time you waste by dwelling on what you could’ve possibly done to change the past, the farther away you get from the present. The longer you dwell on what could’ve been, the more you lose yourself. Don’t lose yourself over things that have already happened. In reality, we don’t know if anything you could’ve done would have prevented anything at all, so what’s the point in focusing on something that will only bring you down. If you let go, you can grow and be even better for your future. 

I know it seems impossible, but the best thing you can do is keep pushing through, even when you’re scared. Growing up, I was always told to “do it afraid.” To do it afraid means to keep fighting and go after your goals even when it’s scary. Always go after your dreams and ambitions, even with the possibility of failure. Even when it feels like there’s no possible way, it will get better. Do it afraid. 

We can’t control anyone else, what they do, what they think, what they say. We don’t have that power, so it is best to let go and focus on what is best for you. Do what makes you happy because when you lay down at night, all you have is you: your mind, thoughts, subconscious, heartbeat, pulse. You only have you. Let yourself grow and evolve. 

There is no specific activity you can do or things you can say to let go and move forward. It takes time. You need to give yourself the time and patience to heal. Not everyone can do the same things, and that is totally fine. You just have to find what works for you. But, that very thing is what makes the world a beautiful place. The differences in everyone, the different ways people think and view the world. That diversity is so beautiful. It is so important to be kind and give yourself grace and patience.

The most important thing is that you know that you are more than your survival. Whatever you have gone through doesn’t define you. There’s a process of grieving that we all, as humans go through. During that process it’s so easy to feel like getting through this obstacle is all you are. It’s so crucial that you know that even though it may feel like this is all you are anymore, you are so much more. Everything happens for a reason, and you are here for a purpose. Don’t throw that away for what you have gone through. Let the past shape help you learn and grow but don’t let it be all you are. 

It is a very complicated and challenging process.  But, in the end, it’s necessary for us. We need it to learn and be the person we were put on this earth to be. If we didn’t feel the struggles and pain of this world, then we wouldn’t know how to appreciate the beautiful and good things this world has to offer.  Every second of it is worth it, and in the end, the only way is up when you reach rock bottom. The only thing to do is grow and heal. You eventually break free. You let go; you move forward. You become better, stronger, and wiser.  Have faith in your potential. We are all human and are fully capable of the same things. You are more than your survival.


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