Sugar and Spice Give Advice, Again!

What do Juniors need to do before going to Senior year?

Sugar: Junior year is a great time to start thinking about what you want to do after school. Senior year will go by fast, so take some time to think about what you want to do with your future and the things you need to do to get there! 
: Your number one priority going into senior should be to make sure you're on track to graduate and prepare for whatever you plan on doing after high school. Talk to your counselor about graduation requirements, and make sure you know how you're going to meet them. If you want to go to college, it’s also a good idea to start studying for and scheduling your SAT ( and ACT (

What do I wear to and how do I attend a football game?

Sugar: If you don’t have any clothes that go with the theme, go thrifting!!! A lot of the time, dances, spirit weeks, and games have a theme you might not already have clothes for. For example, maybe we have a Hawaiian theme for a game, but you don’t own any Hawaiian clothes, and there isn’t really any point in spending money on clothes you are probably only going to wear once…thrifting clothes for the theme is an easy solution! And don’t forget to dress warmly for football games :)

Spice: Lucky for you, almost all games have themes to follow, so it shouldn’t be that hard to narrow down your outfit choices. For example, the theme is pink out; you wear pink clothes; if the theme is whiteout, you wear white clothes. So it should be pretty simple to figure out if you know your colors and if you don’t, maybe just stay home from games and study instead. 

How do I keep myself busy but not too busy?

Sugar: Finding balance in your schedule is a super important skill you will use for the rest of your life. Prioritize spending your time on things that you enjoy and will make you fulfilled. I tend to pack my schedule until I’m super overwhelmed, which only leads to burnout. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it’s super important to try and spend some time doing things you enjoy, even if it feels like you don’t have any extra time. I promise it’s worth it! 
: Being way too busy is a common problem for so many people, and I think oftentimes it’s because we struggle to say no to people. Don’t forget that it is perfectly okay to say no when people ask you to do things, especially because you’re a student and school is your biggest priority. If you feel guilty about saying no to doing something for someone else, try to tell them why you can’t help them.  But, instead of just saying you're too busy, you could say, “I would love to participate, but I want to be fully devoted, which I don’t have the time or energy to do right now….” 

How do I leave the friend group that I'm in? Do I tell them I'm leaving? Just walk away? What should I do?

Sugar: If you’re wanting to leave your friend group obviously something isn’t working. Communication is key in any relationship, so I would let them know what isn’t working and see if you guys can work things out. If you’re set on leaving the friend group I would still communicate with them, let them know you want some space and see how things go from there! 

Spice: Just walk, and keep walking!



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