Who Are We? We Are IKE! ...Right?

This may be a question others may be thinking of, especially in recent events happening here at Eisenhower. From bathrooms being closed for inappropriate conditions to a number of fights, it may make us wonder; is this what Eisenhower has become… are we even safe to be here anymore?
    Think of your first year here at IKE. That may be quite a while ago for you, juniors and seniors. How was it? Doesn’t it feel like things were better in the past than they are now? Personally, it seemed like there was less tension and stress. I didn’t have to worry about being hurt while at school; all I had to worry about was getting grades up and being a student.
    Let’s get to the point:  IKE is going to hell in a handbasket. “Cadets” are not cleaning up after themselves anymore (I’m talking to you, 2nd lunch…), “Cadets” want to abuse our bathrooms by vaping, using marijuana, vandalizing, clogging toilets, and whatever else they’ve done. “Cadets” don’t mind their own business, “Cadets” just want to pick on others for being different instead of being a copy-paste, “Cadets” want to fight over the smallest things, and the list can go on and on for all we know.
    So, what has happened to this school? Do these “Cadets” clog their toilets at home too? Smoke weed in the bathrooms? Do they go and fight someone at the grocery store just for something small? Do they also waste phone space recording a pointless fight in a public place and post it on Social Media?
    If you are a “Cadet” and you do any of the listed... why? Does this make you look cool to a crowd? Are you doing this for the likes on social media?
Do you think it makes you a better person?
Doesn’t it all, in the end, seem stupid to you?
Are you even a Cadet?
    For now, you may think: “Hell yeah. That'll make me cool!” But later in the future, you’ll look back and question why you even wasted your time doing this stuff at IKE.
Cadets, we want to be safe here. We all want things to be safe. Effort must be made to improve, but what can we do?
    Let’s start with a well-known term… “If you see something, SAY SOMETHING.”. If you see any form of bullying, threat, etc. (e.g., A student carrying a weapon), YOU NEED TO REPORT IT. This not only can better you, but it can also better the safety and security of IKE. DO NOT waste your time getting yourself into/recording a fight. Seriously, just walk away. Don’t waste your time/phone storage for something that could’ve started off from something pointless. Care for others. You can’t always be in the spotlight. Check in with friends and classmates to see how they’re doing. If they're going through some troubles, do your best to offer help/open your arms to them. I think the majority of us would like the support. :)
    Now I know that all of IKE’s problems are not going to leave in just one day with what we can do as a community. It’ll require build-up. However, no matter how long it takes to bring the IKE spirit back, we still need to try. Integrity. Kindness. Engagement. Cheesy, yes. But that can make our time here so much better!



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