Spring Formal: What to Wear?

So as we all know, the spring formal is coming up, which leaves many of us with the question, what should I wear? With many high school students being deprived of a school dance due to covid, many of the students have no idea what to expect from a school dance. 

     In my opinion, school dances revolve a lot around fashion and having a fun time with your friends. So making sure you are dressed to impress is a big custom of school dances. Along with wanting to dress to impress, you also want to dress practically because dancing is also a big part of school dances. So when I buy my outfit, I keep a few questions in mind. One: Am I comfortable in this outfit? Two: Does this outfit restrict a lot of movement. Three: Does this outfit make ME happy? 

These questions are really important to follow because if you are not comfortable with what you are wearing, you are most likely not going to have a fun, enjoyable night. 

     Now, if you are having troubles with what kind of outfit you should wear, I suggest for anyone who is planning on dressing more feminine to wear something very flowy with beautiful bright pastel colors. This includes florals because that's a really great way to incorporate some springy aspects into your outfit. For people who plan on dressing more masculine, I suggest wearing colorful slacks with a more subtle top or subtle slacks with a more bold top.

     I have included some examples to help you get started. Good luck! See you at the dance!



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