Judgment On Music Tastes: Does It Matter? 

In this modern day and age, music comes in a wide variety of forms. Country, rock, pop, jazz, rap, just to name a few. Even then, there are sub-genres in every genre, and even sub-genres in those sub-genres! But no matter how unique your taste is to yourself, there’s always that one person there to judge it. It’s too “basic”, too “obscure”, not obscure enough, or in terms, everyone can understand, “bad”. Sure, some people listen to the mainstream, or some don’t at all, or both! But what gives anyone the right to judge it? Who has the right to tease, make fun of, harass, bully, or nag you about it? Quite frankly, no one does. But why do others do it, and does it even matter?
     Judging others is something that some people are accustomed to, as humans are social creatures, so it makes sense that it would be “normal” to judge. But music taste is simply subjective, like all other things. Not everyone will listen to that obscure Radiohead song or that new Lady Gaga hit single! Some might like old-fashioned things, some good old orchestral Tchaikovsky, or the newest song on the “Top Hits” station on your local radio. Everyone likes something different, so why isn’t that embraced? Of course, you don’t have to listen to every genre to be “cool”, or to like only one kind either. It’s as simple as what calls out to you the most and what you like best.
     But when did people get so judgy? When did people start saying, “Name five songs!” every time you wore a Nirvana shirt? That, of course has to do with the internet and new social standards. Not everyone’s a superfan, but not everyone’s a “poser” either. There’s always the question of whether the artist is “problematic” or not, which is a whole other rabbit hole of a conversation. Just because someone listens to that artist doesn’t automatically mean they support their every action! If possible, sure, separate the art from the artist, but some artists do just suck as people, and it’s reflected in the music that they create.
     But in the end, who cares if you know every song? Who cares if you like country, rap, or whatever genre you think is best? It’s not always a competition on who’s “better”, or whose music taste is the best, or more obscure, or whatever new thing we come up with to judge others! Sometimes, it’s best to let others enjoy what they want (in moderation, and there is a limit on what can be enjoyed without people being creeps or weirdos), even if it isn’t your style. So no, judging others’ music tastes doesn’t do a thing, really. It only puts someone else on a high horse and someone else feeling down and low. It’s fine to disagree, but at least be civil!



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