Seniors: Time for Adulting? 

Do you ever think about how overwhelming it can be to transition from a teenager to a young adult? If you’re feeling that way, well, same here! It can be scary and nerve racking to just even think about it! Once you become an adult, you gotta worry about many things like finding a job, getting your license, getting a car, applying to colleges and scholarships, learning about saving and managing money, paying bills every month, and much more! I feel like there really should be a class in high school to teach us all those things! I feel like we get so overwhelmed with all these things that come up once we’re close to turning 18, and it can be scary to even think about it. 

      One way to deal with this in a healthy and helpful way is to list everything you have to do, plan everything out, and work on getting everything done little by little each day! The best thing to do is not to stress about it and have faith that you will get everything done! Patience is key! You can’t expect things just to go your way overnight! As long as you stay consistent and you’re working hard and trying your hardest to get everything done, everything will turn out for the best! 

     We often get sad and think about how much easier it was being a kid, not having to worry about anything, not having any responsibilities other than just going to school and doing your homework. Although, yes,  being a kid is much easier, we should look at things differently and more positively. Growing up can be the best or worst thing to happen, but it all depends on how you view it and take control of things. Obviously, when we are young teenagers, we don’t really think about our future and what we wanna do with it. We’re too focused on having fun, hanging out with our friends, and other things teenagers usually like. Once you’re in your junior year, you should start to take life a little more seriously and think about what you want to do with your life and your future. Once you become a junior in high school, you should sit down and plan out some idea of what you might want to do in the future!

     Starting as early as possible is the best thing you can ever do! Getting the planning done and out of the way will make your senior year so relaxing and calm that you won’t have to worry about anything. Sit down and think about what colleges you want to go to, decide if you even want to go to college in the first place, apply for scholarships early, apply for financial aid early, and finish your FASFA or WASFA! Think about how you’re going to pay for college, what you wanna study for, and what you want to major in! Thinking and planning these things before you become a senior is the best decision you will ever make! Once you become a senior, you won’t have to worry about doing any of those things; that’s why it’s best to do them early on! Once you become a senior, you can still do all those things. It’s never really too late, but it's better to do those things when you’re still far from graduation. That’s only a few things you need to complete before graduating! 

     As you get older, you need to find a job! Most students get jobs as soon as they turn 15/16. Getting a job while still going to school can be tiring, overwhelming, and exhausting because not only do you have to worry about going to school, doing your school work, graduating, passing your classes, and having good attendance, but you also have to pick up your shift once school is done for the day. This is why many students don’t want to work at a young age. Getting a job as soon as you're able to is a really good decision! Not only will you earn your own money, but you will also experience new things you haven’t done before. You will be able to save money for future needs like paying for college and buying yourself things you have always wanted. Having a job at an early age will also make you more productive! 

     Another thing that you will have to work on as you get older is getting your driver's license! Like getting a job, most students take driver's ed classes when they turn 15/16. Getting your driver's license can be exciting because you can drive yourself anywhere you want as soon as you get it! You can drive yourself to school every morning; you can go to any place you want! That’s why it’s always best to start at an early age just to get it out of the way! These are all things that will come your way as you get older! 

     Yes, it can be overwhelming to think about getting all these things done, but if you don’t overthink it and don’t overwhelm yourself, it won’t be challenging to get it done! It’s better to look at what will come after you finish everything you need to do instead of dreading getting all those things done! Once you finish everything you have to complete, you will realize that it wasn’t as complicated as you thought it would be! Becoming a young adult can be a little scary and overwhelming, but if you stay consistent with what you need to get done and don’t overthink it, you will be just fine! 



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The YockStar Report: Advice