Life After High School: What’s Next? 

     Do you ever think about what you might be doing after high school? That’s a question that is kinda scary to think about. SomeMost students are heading to college, others are joining the militaryarmy, and other students are heading straight to the workforce. This is a question that scares a lot of students because they are still not sure what they want to do with their lives! Teachers everywhere always encourage students to follow their dreams and do what their heart desires. Ever since we were little kids, our teachers have asked us daily what we want to be when we grow up, and our responses were either Astronaut, Princess, or Police Officer. 

     Now that we’re in high school, when things get serious, we have to start thinking about what we want to do with our future. When you're a freshman in high school, you don’t have to really think about it or anything since you still have a lot of time. When you get to your sophomore year then, you should start thinking about what you might wanna do or what you’re mostly interested in. When you hit your junior year of high school, you should start talking to your counselors about what you want to do after high school. They can help you get involved in certain activities or groups to help you with your plans. 

     When you become a senior, that’s when you should start applying for scholarships and colleges if that's your plan after high school! Having meetings with your counselors and teachers areis important and can be helpful toand can getting you on the right track andto make sure you’re successful after high school! Getting recommendation letters from your teachers is really important as well, and applying for certain programs that can help you with financial aid is the best thing you can do while you're still in high school! Now that we're on the topic of college let's talk about what concerns most students! Money! Lots of students want to go to college, but most of the time, money is the issue! Lots of students don’t have the financial support they need, so they probably don’t see college as an option. Many high schools have financial aid programs that can help us all! Applying to those while you’re still in high school is very important! 

     Applying for scholarships is also very important, so make sure to do that as well! Now that we’re done with the college topic, let’s move on to another pathway some students might be heading toward after high school! The Military force! Almost every high school has mentioned the possibility of joining the army after high school, and we’ve even had real people from the militaryarmy come to our school and talk to students who are interested in joining themilitary army! Some students are interested, and some are not, but those who are have shown it and have started setting up meetings to talk about it! Another pathway some students might head towards is trade schools! For those students who aren’t interested in going to college but still wanna have some sort of education and want to continue studying, trade schools are the way to go!

     Not only are trade schools a little more affordable, but they might have a subject or program that you’re interested in that a college or university might not have available! I also want to talk about a route that maybe most students will head towards: the workforce! I know a lot of students who are still unsure about what they want to do with their futures, so they might take a year off after high school to just work, and in that year, they will also think about what they want to do! This is common for a lot of students! Maybe we just think that we don’t have what it takes to actually accomplish our goals, and that is a mentality that we have to get rid of! Once you're in high school, you might feel a little overwhelmed or worried about your future, and that is totally normal! It’s okay to not be sure of what you want to do. It could be a little scary to think about what you want to dedicate your entire life to because what if later on you decide that you are no longer interested and you decide to switch it up and head in a different route? That’s why it is important to be sure, feel confident with your decision, and pick your choice carefully! 

     What if you don't want to go to college or the military or maybe, even the workforce? That is probably not talked about enough! What if you want to be your boss and start your own business? That is an excellent choice because you will not only be your own boss but also have control over everything that is yours! Whatever route you decide to take, just make sure that it's something that you're passionate about! That’s probably another issue students might face. If you decide to head towards a career that you’re not passionate about you will most likely abandon it and try to switch into a different career! When thinking about what you want to do after high school, think about what you’re really interested in and what you’re most passionate about! Now that we’re heading towards the end of this article, I think it’s important to know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to as long as you have faith in yourself and you set your mind to. Some things might seem impossible to accomplish, but as long as you stay motivated and you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything no matter what career path you decide to head towards, and as long as you don’t give up, you will achieve your goals! 



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