The YockStar Report: Advice 

Response: My dad told me I have commitment issues. How do I solve this, and should I?

     Oof! That's a tough one right there. This is not a quick solution to fix. Commitment is hard. I could understand. But not as hard as it must be for your dad to raise you. Oof, got you there; just kidding! The first approach I would take is finding out why, in fact, you can’t commit all the way to certain things. Are you scared of rejection? Lowkey, me too; hey, that’s okay though, twin. The problem you might face if you’re dealing with a relationship is your partner might ask you to be their significant other. In this case, you should run for the hills because only us people with commitment issues know that that’s our biggest fear to come out of life. Oh my, that’s a true nightmare, but sadly, there's no way that you can solve this problem. A baddie with commitment issues will keep on being a baddie no matter the scenario. You just have to be confident when you do choose commitment over fear to tackle it head-on.

Response: I'm in a love triangle between my best friend’s EX BF and my EX BF; save me from this.

     I don't know what the question is but I’m very scared for you. Sending help to you right away. *Woop woop* That's the sound of the police.

Response: What's your opinion on situationships and romantic commitment?

     I find relationships to be dreadful and strenuous. I mean, why would you want to talk to someone 24/7 for months on end? My social anxiety could never! Romantic relationships are complicated and take too much time. If you are a star with a busy schedule like I am, then a relationship will bring you no joy but more stress on your thick plate. Besides, you don’t want to be that couple in the hallway who are all touchy. Ugh! Quite disgusting, am I right? You should instead focus on your schoolwork before you focus on getting a date to prom. Also, I might add situationships are literally the worst. You live in constant fear that the person you are talking to doesn’t like you or just is leading you on. In the end, is it really worth it to be with someone if you get your heart broken? I’d rather smash a guitar over my head than go through another situationship. *disclaimer: don’t try at home* 

Response: What are signs that they are the one?

      I mean, I’m just 16. Are you expecting me to know? Hollywood is far less confusing than this column can be. A good sign I like to pick up on if I know that they are the one or not is if they are good-looking. That’s always a big indicator that things will go perfectly and I will get married to them. It doesn’t matter if they are clinically ill or don't have dreams or ambitions. At least they’re pretty. Looks over personality, right? No, no, no, the signs shouldn’t just be looks. A lot of other things about a person come into play. It’s important that they have good morals and have a Bugatti, no, no, no that they live in a mansion! Yes, If they have a mansion I suppose that might be a good sign that they might be the one for you. Let’s not be too vain about all this and remember that a person's character is more important than looks. At least, that’s what my tour manager would always tell me.

Response: Where can I find some volunteering opportunities?

     Look at your school email. There should be emails from Mrs Acosta-Driscoll about community service you can do around the school or in our community. 

Rock on, 

Annaka Yockstar



Seniors: Time for Adulting? 


Staying Okay