Abortion Should be a Basic Right

June 24, 2022. This is the date that Roe v. Wade act was overturned. For the people wondering what that even means, Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, where it is now illegal for a woman to have an abortion. This is a serious problem. Anyone who performs an abortion could face up to life in prison. Women have been fighting for this simple right for years. But yet, it is taken away once again. Once again, people who don’t understand the type of pain women have to endure every day have taken away a right that is so important. 

Let’s review. Women and children from 10-50 can have a baby. As soon as a young girl starts her menstrual period, she can have a baby. Since the beginning of time, women and children have been getting raped, from young toddlers, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, and the elderly. And some women who get raped have to deal with the burden of getting pregnant. Do you know how hard it is to be able to have a child that was caused by a man that raped you? Do you know how hard it is to know that if you were ever to have a child, you would die during it? Do you know how hard it is to be a child and then be forced to raise a child? That’s why abortion is there.

Abortion is there to help women that are in need of it. I disagree with the women who get abortions every time they have sex. Women shouldn’t take advantage of this power. Women who don't use protection during sex and then get an abortion two weeks later are in the wrong. Abortion should only be used for specific situations, not for those that just use abortions as an easy way out of responsibility. Everyone has mixed emotions about this topic, which is fine, as long as you don’t fight each other because they have different opinions. Abortion is a very touchy topic and a very serious one at that. 


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