Staying Okay 

Stay Okay Studio is a small business that sells tiny beings that keep you feeling calm and safe. These tiny figures are called “good folk”, and they remind you that it will all be okay. Anna is the creator of these art pieces, and she sculpts them out of clay. This article will focus mainly on the paunches but also cute stickers and lovely prints. Paunches are basically cute worry stones with a faces on them. You rub them, hold them, squeeze them, or stare at them with awe because of how cute they are.
This is my paunch, his name is Soap because he’s pink. I keep him in my left pocket, and he keeps me feeling chill whenever I need to. He’s easy to hold, easy to carry, and he has a nice texture ,too. I also own a frog. Her name is Stevia, and it was because of an inside joke with my best friend, Stevie. They’ve both got me through some tough times, like homework or tests. They also got me through a presentation or two, which is cool. I definitely recommend them if you want a friend to keep in touch with.

      Here is a review from one of my friends! Her paunch is named Glowmbark because he glows in the dark. “Cute design, very round. I love forgs, and it makes me feel very happy. Everything about it screams handmade and thoughtful, since the paunch has a little bed and a little inscription that says how the paunch loves you. My only concerns are since the paunch is made of polymer clay, he feels really light ,and it makes me scared if I drop it or if I keep rubbing it a lot, I’ll eventually break it or wear a hole in it. I don’t want to hurt my paunch since I love my paunch ,and paunch loves me. Paunch is also very smooth; I love grabbing paunch really hard and rubbing its belly.”



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