Flies are Spies

Flies. They don't sit right with me; something about them seems creepy. There has always been something about them that I never understood and have tried to figure out. On the outside, they seem like ordinary flying insects, so small that nobody ever thinks they are bad; however, that is exactly what they want you to think. The first time I remember seeing a fly, I knew they were up to no good.  Their nasty-looking skin and loud buzzing sound led me to realize that flies are spies. This sounds crazy, but it is nothing but the truth. Let me explain.

     Have you ever seen a fly up close? If you have, then you would know that they have glossy robotic eyes, their wings are transparent, their body is weirdly shaped, and their mouth is the nastiest looking thing you will ever see. They have long, skinny legs that can allow them to walk up the walls or even upside down on the ceiling. If you think walking on walls with ease is normal, then you are not normal. Have you ever noticed how fast flies are and how they have insanely fast reflexes? I bet you couldn’t catch one if you tried. They are programmed this way, designed so they can easily escape danger and not get caught. Another way they make it harder for you to catch them is by being small. Imagine a spy that was the size of a human.  That would just never work because you can see a human easily. Make that spy into the size of a peanut (like a fly), and nobody will notice.

     The most annoying thing about flies is when they land on my face while I sleep. Whenever this happens, I try to slap the fly, but the fly escapes, and I end up slapping my face instead.  The fly won't stop, persisting multiple times until I get so annoyed. Why do flies do this? Well, the answer is complicated, but I will explain. When a fly lands on a human's face, it is most likely analyzing every little detail about how the face looks, smells, feels, and tastes. I honestly have no clue what they do with that information, but that is the scary part. They can take that information anywhere and do anything with it. The only thing that confuses me is their obsession with things that smell bad. I’m still trying to figure that part out, but it’s probably just a misdirection, so humans never suspect anything, but who knows.

     Anyways, remember that the next time you see a fly, be cautious about how you act around them because they are 100% watching you.



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