Black & White-Eyed Children

The black-eyed child is an American legend of paranormal creatures that resemble children. They have really pale skin and black eyes, usually between the ages of six and sixteen. They seem to appear in groups of two, but never alone.

     You might hear knocks on your door late at night or see them anywhere. They’re known to ask you for help or make excuses that they’re lost and need to find their parents. So try and avoid them if you can. If they get you to help, you might feel like something is off. You will feel fear and panic, and only bad luck will surround you. 

     Some people believe that black-eyed children are actually aliens. Other people believe black-eyed children are children of the devil itself. 

     White-eyed children are less seen than black-eyed children. They’re like a race of humanoids but in a child form. But they usually only like to hang around heavily wooded forests.

     They're also known for knocking on doors. Unlike the Black-eyed children, The White-eyed children do not need permission to enter your home. Instead, they will just appear inside your home. And just stand there, showing no emotion and just stare at whoever they’re with. White-eyed children will only telepathically communicate with you but never speak. People who have reported seeing these kids said that they don’t realize that the kids are talking to them telepathically until they see their eyes—knowing that something is wrong. Some people will sometimes find handprints on their cars or windows.

     White-eyed children are also an American legend of paranormal creatures that resemble children and are very similar to black-eyed children. According to an article by, people believe that White-eyed Children are messengers sent by death and that if one of these kids appears to you, someone close to you will depart this life. 




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