Sugar & Spice Give Advice

Should I do running start next year? Will I regret it? 

Sugar: Running start is an excellent option for students looking to start higher education early and get some college credits under their belt before graduating. Financially, you definitely won’t regret it. 

Spice: If having a normal high school experience is important to you, then honestly, you might regret it. If not, it might be a great option. You just have to figure out what’s right for you.

Is college the best option after high school? 

Sugar: College is the best option after high school if you know what career or field you want to head into and if that career requires a college degree.  
You don’t need to go to college in order to be successful, but if you do want to receive a higher education, then make sure to make smart financial decisions. Apply for scholarships and to colleges, you can afford. Going to college is not always worth the amount of student loan debt students end up digging themselves into.

How do I build up the confidence to do something?

Sugar: Building up the confidence to do a specific task whether it be asking for a raise at work, asking someone out, or telling a friend a secret can all be done through the same few steps. 1. Write out all the specific steps you need to take to accomplish your task, then follow those steps so you’re fully prepared 2. Picture yourself doing the task. What does it look like? 3. Take a deep breath and hold your head high :) good luck!

Spice: Putting something off isn’t going to make it go away, so you might as well just do it sooner rather than later.

Any advice on coming out to your teachers or fellow peers? I find it hard to tell my teachers my preferred name and pronouns in fear of rejection.  

Sugar: Coming out should be, however, and whenever you feel comfortable. Whether that’s through email, in person, a note, or letting another trusted teacher know and asking them to let your other teachers know. It’s your teachers' job to make sure you are comfortable, safe and respected at school, and if any of these needs are not met, there are plenty of administrators and teachers here at IKE who will support you and fight for you!
I think that here at Ike, you’ll find that you will encounter a lot more acceptance than rejection. There’s a quote from Bernard Baruch that I think about almost on a daily basis, and I think it could be helpful to you, “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” You’ve probably heard that before, but it’s a great reminder. 



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