Stressed Out?

Stress is one of the most common things you can see in society nowadays. Around 77% of adults in America say they suffer from stress. This disease not only affects adults, but it also affects the young population. The main reason for stress is “ worrying about something or someone“. This mostly happens because we often don’t have control of everything, or we don’t have control of someone else. When something unexpected happens in life, the first thing you want to do is fix it right away. And if the outcome is not what you expected, you stress yourself trying to see what you did wrong. Due to some times when it happened the same to me, I came here to give you some advice on my personal experience and this really helped me out during these hard times.

     Lately, society has used stress as a topic of what we should be aware of and yes it is absolutely right. Some people have created satisfying videos that supposedly help you to relieve stress. Some of them do work, but not all of them are efficient enough. In an article posted on the website, we can see some different things to do to make our life less stressful than usual. They provide the top ten things we could try to make our lives less stressful, these things are “ Get Active, Eat a Healthy Diet, Meditate, Laugh More, Connect With Others, Assert Yourself, Get Enough Sleep, Try Yoga, Get Musical and be Creative, Seek Counseling.” 

     If stress ever gets too whelming, seek help from a professional. Don’t try to handle your stress on your own. Lean on your support system.



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