Sugar and Spice Give Advice


I've always struggled to make new friends and keep friends in and outside of school. How should I approach new people so I can make friends and how should I fix my old friendships?


The easiest way to approach someone new is by giving them a compliment. Something as simple as “I really like your shoes, where did you get them?”, is a super-easy way to start up a conversation and can definitely make a good first impression. If you start to build up friendships at school, it’ll be a lot easier to hang out with your new friends outside of school. Some easy friend dates could be going to a coffee shop and doing homework together, go thrifting, hang out at the park, get dinner or lunch together, anything that gives you guys something to talk about!


You asked how to fix your old friendships but this is a complicated question. First, ask yourself if these are friendships that are worth fixing. Are the people you are trying to mend your relationships with going to be a positive part of your life? If the answer is yes, then ask yourself why the friendships ended in the first place and are real with yourself. Did you do something to upset them? Did they do something to upset you? If your own actions are the reason the friendship ended then say sorry for what you did. If you need a little help with your apology here is a bad example: “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Instead, own up to your actions and say something like “I’m sorry that I....” If you’ve simply drifted apart then I would just text them and tell them that you miss them. Chances are they miss you too.

I’m in honors and AP but it’s too easy... I want to move to a school that will challenge me. What do you think?


 If you’re wanting more of a challenge get involved with extracurriculars! There are plenty of clubs that will challenge you academically outside of class and is a super great way to be more involved Ike!


 If you are in AP the classes themselves might feel easy but don’t get too cocky because it’s all about that test at the end of the year and I can assure you that the tests are harder than the classes themselves. I’m assuming if the classes are easy for you then you are getting all your work done with spare time. Use your free time to study for your AP tests. I would suggest checking out the College Board website to find resources to help you prepare for your exams.

How do you prevent/stop procrastination (like for assignments, goals, etc.)?


 When I procrastinate it’s typically because I’m feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated. To prevent procrastination stay organized! I would highly suggest getting a planner or notebook just for lists and each day make a list of your work. When I need to stop procrastinating the first thing I do is make a list of everything I need to do, even little things like doing my laundry or making myself dinner. Then I put everything in order from most important to least important and start on my most important stuff first. Often the most important stuff takes the most effort, so when I’m feeling like I need a break I do something else on my list that is easy. To keep me motivated I try to start with doing something that’s going to get me in a motivated mood, like going for a walk, listening to music, calling a friend, anything that gives you energy! 



 I procrastinate all the time and what I’ve learned is that the hardest part is getting started because it often seems so daunting. For example, when my room is messy it gives me a lot of anxiety and it’s so overwhelming that I just avoid it, but when I finally do clean my room I always think “Wow that wasn’t so bad I could’ve saved myself from so much anxiety if I did this a week ago.” So just try your best to start one task at a time. Set yourself goals for what you want to get done and give yourself rewards when you reach those goals. For example, if you have an assignment with ten questions, put your phone away and don’t let yourself go on it until you get to question five, give yourself five minutes on your phone, and then get back to your work and finish the last five-question



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