

It was not considered illegal to cross the borders into the United States until 1917. This was the first year of World War I, and the new law caused fear for many non-Americans. Many U.S citizens feared Germany would attack through Mexico and target the U.S. The U.S allowed passports to serve as some security and consolation to the widespread anxiety, however, this alone wasn’t enough. In 1917 American health officials in El Paso, Texas began a campaign to use dangerous chemicals to “disinfect” immigrants seeking access into the U.S at the U.S-Mexico border. These chemicals included gasoline, kerosene, vinegar, and pretty much anything else they wanted to throw in there. If any of the soldiers found anything they deemed dirty on an immigrant they would make the Mexican shave their head and be doused in chemicals, regardless of age, or sex. It is also rumored many of the U.S soldiers photographed women of all ages and shared them amongst each other.

     Like I said before this was during WWI, also known as the time of Hitler and the Nazi’s. Now, think back to when you were learning about the Holocaust, did you ever think, why didn't the U.S help? We did, we helped influence them to separate themselves from everyone who was different, from people who weren't the same as them or came from another place. Yes, that's right, Hitler, the guy who enforced a nationwide homicide, drew inspiration from American Racism during WWI. Shocked? I was too.

     Now you're probably wondering why you didn't learn about this. Join the club. We come to class to learn about history and learn from our past mistakes. Yet I have never witnessed this serious issue talked about. This went on for many years and for some reason it's never been brought to my attention until I saw a video about it on social media. Think about that, I learned about disgusting discrimination the U.S created and all of the suffering of my own people through social media and not school. It’s not just this issue either, there've been countless examples of events that we were never even taught or events that we were taught to think we were the “good guys” in, when in reality we were oftentimes the problem.  Many of these events are about people of color, and minorities, which make up at least half of the country. We are the future of the United States, how are we supposed to be patriotic when most of us don't even know half of our history? 



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