Arizona: Returning to a Time Before Civil Rights 

Arizona State’s highest court has shown support for an 1864 law that bans abortions. An 1864 law? This is 2024; why are the people in charge of making decisions over our lives continuously looking at the past? Arizona’s court seems to be stuck in the 1800s as they decide whether or not to pass this horrible law.

     What was happening in the 1800s shouldn’t be what’s happening now. Segregation was still a big problem in the 1800s, and women couldn’t even vote at the time, so why are they basing present laws on the 1800s? What this law bans is all types of abortions, except for life-saving ones. One of the many problems with that is that there are NO exceptions for rape or incest. It’s horrible to live in a time where people pride America on being “The Land of the Free”, but rapists could impregnate you, and you couldn’t do crap about it. Imagine if it was your daughter, your sister, or your wife. What would you do then?

     What allowed this to happen was the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which had set women’s rights back about half a century. Now that this law is being upheld, it’s setting women’s rights back to a time before they could even vote, back to a time when their husbands were allowed to beat them. Men write these laws, and it seems that men continue to put restrictions on women and limit their freedoms and rights. We will not quietly go back to 1864.



Staying Okay 


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