Advice From Your Seniors

“Make sure to take time for yourself outside of class work because if you overwork yourself, you can get burnt out, and it’s good to take breaks... Plus, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you’re not sure what to do.” - Rowan Vandusen

“Don’t date until you’re ready, and don’t flip out and become a monster when things get tough. It’s something I struggled with, and it’s something no one should ever go through.” - Benson Betts

“Don’t be afraid to show school spirit. You might think it’s lame, but school, and life in general, becomes a lot more fun when you let yourself enjoy it.” - Connor Arvizu

“Lock in! Falling behind and having to make up a ton of classes is no fun (speaking on a personal level), and get involved with school clubs and activities! For me personally, being a part of our school’s art department has made a huge impact on me. A lot of our arts teachers here are a part of the reason I want to pursue education as my career! Also, all of the friends I’ve made through Drama & Choir is just so amazing; I genuinely see them all more as a family than as friends just due to the fact that we spend so much time together!” - Kassy Torrez

“Don’t eat the raw chicken.” - Erika Flores

“Be as involved as possible; high school flies by, and once you’re a senior, you realize how much more you could’ve done.” - Amaya Jimenez

“Participate in extracurriculars and school functions as much as possible because once you’re gone, you’re gone.” - Danielle Niblett

“Mom was right; it is that damn phone.” - Ty Larsen

“Make friends. It’s very hard to make friends after high school, so make them while you can.” - Zaiden Montano

“Use the resources provided to you and take advantage of them; you never know what could happen, and life is unpredictable. Communicate with your teachers and counselor, and be respectful and mindful of others. Don’t make stupid choices, and when you see a great opportunity for yourself, seize it. Go to events, plan hangouts, don’t be afraid to make friends. Enjoy your high school days to the fullest, since nothing lasts forever.” - Max Stoops



Finding Community at Eisenhower High School 


Yearbook Delayed