Speech and Debate: It’s Not What You Think

Eisenhower's Speech and Debate Team has more to it than you initially thought. When you think about this club, the word “Debate” overpowers “Speech.” Like me, you probably found yourself assuming they were the same thing. They aren't. In fact, they each mean something completely different. There's so much more than just arguing too. This club truly stimulates your brain and helps you learn so much more. But there's also an opportunity to have fun and perform any script you want. It’s full of surprises, and when I interviewed the Speech & Debate President about this club, I realized a lot of other kids would be just as interested if they knew more about it.

The Speech aspect is more about Performance, practicing a script, and telling a story instead of debating it. You can perform with a partner, and this is called a Duo. You and your partner can pick any script. It can be from a movie, book, or commercial if you really want. But you can also do a solo, and if you do, you can write your own script and act it out. If you like this concept but want to be under some pressure, Tall Tales is the topic for you. Tall tales are where you have six minutes to make up a story and then act it out. The Speech part is more for those with a creative side, and they don’t mind sharing it. This leaves room for imagination and fun!

Yes, Speech and Debate both have to do with talking. However, this is where the similarities stop. While Speech is imaginative and creative, Debate is intense and requires fast-paced thinking. Don’t get me wrong, Speech is also competitive, but Debate brings a new meaning to the word competition. You can take three different routes with Debate, Impromptu, Congress, and Public Forum. Debate is all timed, but there's a certain format to follow. Impromptu is when the Judges assign you three topics, and you have no idea what they are until your 6-minute timer starts. Then, you have 3 minutes to prepare what you will say and read the prompts given.

In some cases, you have no idea what the topics are and have to make a statement or argument based on them. Your freedom for Impromptu is endless, and you can talk about whatever relates to that topic or your opinion on it for the rest of the three minutes. Congress is where two teams present their valid points to each other and try to persuade each other and the judges to think the same. They then pass a bill if one of the teams manages to persuade the other. Finally, Public Forum is where partners debate against another pair to prove whose point is valid. Public Forums are usually about world problems, who's right or wrong, and who has the best argument. Public Forum is typically what you think of when you hear “Debate.” To quote Kaya Pacheco, the club President, “ Debate informs you what's going on here and now, but also gives you an opportunity to say your opinion on it.”

Hopefully, this sparked an interest in Speech and Debate for you, as it did for me. If you still want to join, room 313 is where practices are held or where you can get in touch with the adviser. Remember, you don't need to have an entire speech to try out. Just attend a meeting and see if it feels right for you.


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