Holiday Drives

December is here! And with it, freezing temperatures, ice, and snow! Since it will get colder outside, we get hungry faster because eating generates heat for our bodies (thermogenesis). Sadly though, not many people have enough food to keep them full or healthy. And there is a way to help those people, through food like canned food items, boxes of food. So please pick up an item from your pantry such as those items and put it in those bins. It will go to Northwest Harvest for distribution to the community in need. The food will be delivered next December 16th or possibly December 17th. Do you need a break from working on class assignments? Do you need a donut party? Well, You’re in luck. The class that brings in the most pounds of food to the food bins in the cafeteria will have a donut party.

Last Friday, the Triumph backpacks for homelessness delivered 1,100 items on 120S. 3rd St. Yakima Washington! All the products have been delivered to people experiencing homelessness.


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