
Senior year in high school is maybe the most exciting year for all high school students. Senior year is the final step towards graduation. But to graduate, you have to complete several requirements first. One of the most important is completing the twenty-four credits acquired during the four years of high school. You receive half a credit per semester and six credits for each year in each class. Students don’t worry about failing their courses until they realize they have exactly enough classes to complete the required credits. Then they get into senior year, and then panic sets in. When you get into the senior year and see that you are missing some credits, you feel that everything is done and that you will not graduate because there is so little time to fix your mistakes. Of course, you can still catch up, but it is frustrating to every student because there is a lot of time and hard work. Having up to eight periods is hard because it takes up a lot of free time outside of school. Also, if you take any retrieval classes, you should be working and worrying about the courses you got because you and only you are responsible for catching up on the missing credits.

Based on experiences from different seniors at your school, they will all give you the advice to not fail any classes, and that is how you are going to make your senior year the best it can be. You will finally have more freedom in school because you don't have anything to worry about besides just passing your classes and enjoying yourself. So it's up to you to make the senior year the best one.


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