What’s Five Star? 

Here at Five Star Journal, we strive to entertain and educate our readers. Led by student ambition and student opinion, we make sure everyone can get their voice out to the masses. To you, we might be nothing more than a quick read every month or so. But to us, the class is so much more.

     You might be wondering: “What the heck is this girl on about?” Well, just give me a second to explain; paper is a class led by Mr. DeWitt, known for making the newspaper here at Ike. Multiple students and editors in our class pitch excellent ideas and eventually make final drafts for the newspaper. These articles can range from something as simple as the school cafeteria to music records or trendy games. You only have to write an article twice a month. Besides this, the class is a “work” period, where you can work on homework, watch videos, nap, or even play Uno. “Brainstorming” article ideas take many forms. It’s a great way to start the day off.

    When we say get your opinions out, we mean it. If you’ve been up to date with our current newspapers, you should know we are no stranger to controversial topics like school security or walk-out protests. Nothing is too tame or disputable to write about most of the time. Nowadays, opportunities to get your voice heard are becoming increasingly easier; the problem is that most people don’t take those chances seriously. They pass them up or think their opinions just aren’t important enough. What better way to fix that than by taking a fun class that technically counts towards your graduating?      

     Everyone in Five Star Journal works together to create the best possible articles for you to read. We want to keep you updated about school and speak out for others when we get the chance. We hope to bring some entertainment, no matter how short. And the hot chocolate is a bonus, too.



Ike Follies: Spring 2024 


Ike Leadership: 2024-2025