Israel-Hamas War 

     The longstanding history of conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for many, many years; this current war is nothing short of a surprise, but what is surprising is the ridiculously large effect it is having and the amount of people who are suffering because of it. After Israel's Declaration of Independence in 1948, several Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, invaded Israel, leading to the first Arab-Israeli War. In the aftermath of the war, the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip came under Jordanian and Egyptian control. And what was it exactly that motivated these Arab states to invade back then?  Nationalism and a desire to maintain the Arab identity of the region. They saw the creation of a Jewish state as a threat to the Arab character of the area. 

     Over the years, there have been numerous conflicts, uprisings, and peace processes between Israelis and Palestinians. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict involves territorial disputes, questions of self-determination, and the rights of refugees, among other issues, one of those current issues being the ongoing Israel-Hamas War. Palestinians have faced displacement and have been living in refugee camps, and there have been instances of violence and oppression. 

     In 2006, Hamas won the elections in Gaza and the West Bank but refused to join a coalition government with the opposition party — a key constituent of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, or PLO. Hamas later seized control of the Gaza Strip. Hamas, otherwise known as an Islamic resistance movement, is the political and military organization currently governing the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian territories. However, to some, they are simply looked upon as a terrorist group. 

     These conflicts between Palestine and Israel have been going on for years, as was mentioned before, but this war is something some are even calling a 9/11 or Pearl Harbor moment. It all started on October 1st during an Israeli music festival just a few miles away from the wall that separates Gaza and Southern Israel. On 7 October, Hamas militants invaded Israel from the Gaza Strip and massacred 260 civilians. According to a report from the New York Times, “Hamas began firing thousands of rockets on Saturday morning, striking targets as far away as Tel Aviv and the outskirts of Jerusalem.” Israel formally declared war on Hamas a day later. Ever since this horrific event, many civilians have died tragically, both Palestinians and Israelites. Israel has begun clearing Hamas forces from affected areas and conducting airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, which have killed 2,339 Palestinians as of 15 October. 

     The United Nations reported that around 1 million Palestinians, nearly half of Gaza's population, have been internally displaced. Israelites are not the only ones suffering here. Though it is true that the terrorist group targeting Israel is Palestinian, that does not label all Palestinians as enemies. It is vital to remember that while Hamas governs Palestine, it does not define the entire Palestinian population. Many Palestinians are victims of the same violence they are being accused of, caught in a situation where leaving their homes means risking their lives. This crisis calls for empathy, solidarity, and a collective effort to support those affected, regardless of their nationality or background. There are those who haven’t done any terrorist actions and are suffering just as much as those dying in Israel from all these attacks, but no one can get out. Nowhere in Gaza is safe; all the borders have been bombed several times, and it is very hard to leave.

     In the face of this ongoing and devastating conflict between Israel and Palestine, it is crucial for the world to acknowledge the immense human suffering on both sides. 

     The heartbreaking reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict is one damaged by unspeakable tragedies: families torn apart, babies being decapitated, homes reduced to rubble, and women enduring unimaginable horrors. We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering inflicted upon innocent lives.

     Support organizations are working tirelessly to provide aid and relief. Educate others about the human cost of this conflict. Let us turn the tide of despair into a wave of compassion and understanding, ensuring that no more lives are shattered by violence.



Festive Follies


Something to Leave Behind