Has Disney Ruined Star Wars?

There has been one question on the mind of Star Wars fans ever since the end of the sequel trilogy, “Has Disney ruined Star Wars?” The sequel trilogy was hated by the majority of the Star Wars fanbase; they called it unoriginal, boring,  and simply awful. Some characters were interesting but were soon forgotten. They also messed with how the Star Wars world works by randomly adding things to characters. Yet Disney was able to revive Star Wars with the new Star Wars tv shows such as The Mandalorian, and The Book of Boba Fett.

     The sequel trilogy had a good start with The Force Awakens. This movie introduced the main characters: Rey, Finn, and Poe. Rey is a scavenger that lives on a desert planet, Finn is a Stormtrooper for the First Order, and Poe is a pilot for the Resistance. All of these characters are very interesting, and this movie explores all of them in-depth. First, we are introduced to Finn. He is sent with his fellow trooper to destroy a village that is harboring Resistance forces. They massacre everyone in the village. After seeing this, Finn realizes that the First Order is just like the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Empire is the bad guys of the original films, so Finn decides to leave. Next, we are shown Rey, who lives on the desert planet Jakku where she scavenges anything she can find just to eat. Lastly, Poe is one of the few Resistance ace pilots that are willing to die to stop the tyranny of the First Order, aka the bad guys. Plus, we meet some familiar characters such as Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia. Now, many people enjoyed this movie, but there's one thing that most people didn’t like, and that was the plot. Tell me if this sounds familiar. The main character is trapped on a desert planet with no way out until they meet an older, wiser, familiar character who comes along with an escape plan. Then they travel to a massive battle station that can destroy planets, and on that battle station, the older, wiser, familiar character is killed by the main villain with a red lightsaber with dark clothing on. The main character is then forced to flee and joins a resistance to fight the bad guys. If this plot sounded familiar, it's basically a copy-paste of the first Star Wars film. Disney had a chance to create a great start to the new Star Wars trilogy but instead made a lazy and unoriginal start.

     The next films would be, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, both of these movies have many problems. Still, fans' major issues were the killing off of original and new characters, messing with the canon of Star Wars, and some main characters getting left behind. First, the killing off of original and new characters really soured the movies for many people. The sequel trilogy brought back a lot of fan-favorite characters such as Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, Luke. As well as introducing some new characters: Commander Hondo and Captain Phasma. As soon as we were given these characters, they were taken away. Han was killed halfway through the first movie, Leia and Luke were both killed at the end of The Last Jedi, Hondo, who was the new commander of the Resistance, sacrificed herself to stop the First Order, and lastly, Captain Phasama, an elite Captain for the first order was killed by Finn at the end of The Rise of Skywalker. The next problem that the films had was, messing with the canon of Star Wars.

The canon meaning how the world functions. The best example of this would be Rey. Rey was a Jedi who had little training but could learn and use Force Healing with no one teaching her. You learn new Force abilities in the Star Wars universe through long training by someone who already knows that ability, but Rey just magically learns Force Healing out of nowhere. Lastly, some main characters get forgotten. There is one major example of this happening, and that is with Finn. Finn was a former First Order stormtrooper. Finn had a very interesting character. A stormtrooper who left the evil First Order to join the Resistance was the first stormtrooper (in the films) to defect to the good side. Fans have many more problems with these films, but we would be here while talking about that.

     Lucky for Disney, they have been able to bring StarWars into the public eye after the failure of the sequels with the StarWars tv show: The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Both of these shows have been a popular success for Disney. The Mandalorian was the first show, and it was instantly popular, and the main reason was because of the introduction of Grogu or more commonly known as “baby Yoda”. Baby Yoda was a small baby version of the well-known Yoda, but the weird thing is that Grogu is 30 years old! As the name says, the Mandalorian follows the adventures of The Mandalorian or Din Djarin is one of the many warriors that come from the planet of Mandalore. When we were given The Mandalorian, many fans were excited to see and learn about the Mandos. Before this show, the only Mandalorians shown in live-action were Jango Fett and Boba Fett. The show follows Din Djarin and Grogu as they travel across the universe to return Grogu to any Jedi they can find. In the end, Grogu goes with Luke Skywalker to be trained in the ways of Jedi.

     The next show that brought back Star Wars was The Book of Boba Fett, which shows us what the famous bounty hunter Boba Fett did after his fake death, The Empire, strikes back. Star Wars fans didn’t know what happened to Boba Fett for a long time, but towards the end of The Mandalorian, we saw the bounty hunter working with Din Djarin to reclaim his armor and ship. In The Book of Boba Fett, Boba returns to the sands of Tatooine to claim the title of Damio of Mos Espa from his previous now dead dealer, Jabba Hutt. At the beginning of the first few episodes were are given a flashback of what happened to Boba Fett. He was taken in by a tribe of Tusken Raiders and learned their ways. During his time with the tribe, he gained the trust of a previously hostile tribe with his instincts and intelligence. Toward the middle of the show, Boba he dragged into a war with The Pike Syndicate over the transport of spice through the city of Mos Espa. Boba has to recruit the help of bounty hunters, citizens, and from Din Djarin. There are actually two stories in The Book of Boba Fett, one being about Boba Fett and the other being a continuation of Din Djarin and Grogu. In episodes 5 & 6, we see what Din Djarin has been up to since the end of The Mandalorian and Grogu’s training with Luke.

     So to answer the question of “Has Disney ruined StarWars?” they did with the sequel trilogy, the sequel trilogy had great potential but was held back by Disney’s bad planning and horrible creativity. But, with the two tv shows, they could bring Star Wars back. So let's hope that the up-and-coming tv shows do good.



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