Is Avatar 2 worth the 3 Hour Watch?

After 13 years of waiting for a sequel, they finally published the second Avatar movie. It was a very long wait, but it was finally published. But is it a good movie? There has been a lot of debate about this movie, whether it is worth watching or not. A lot of people don’t like the idea of sitting in a movie theater for 3 hours to watch a movie about blue people. But coming from a personal standpoint, the movie was really good and definitely worth watching. The movie in whole, at the time of writing this, has a 4.4 star rating. The CGI is very good and enriching to watch, the visual effects blow the mind of the audience.

There are a few downfalls that make this film not worth watching. There is of course the 3 hours that it takes to watch the whole movie. The movie has about 9 hours in total film making, but of course had to cut it down to 3 hours. There are a lot of filler scenes that don’t make a lot of sense and are just a waste of time. But at the same time, the movie has to be 3 hours long to have it make somewhat sense. Another reason is the fact that the plot is all over the place and can be confusing to people that have never watched the first one. Yet again, there are a lot of movies that have sequels where you need to watch the 1st one to understand the second one (Example, Transformers).

To make matters worse, or better, depending on who is reading this, there are already 3 more avatar movies that are in production. Avatar 3 is supposed to be out by 2024, Avatar 4 out in 2026, and Avatar 5 in 2028. Now this is very overwhelming. The second movie has got a bad reputation already, but now they are going to drag in 3 more movies into the mess. A lot of people might be genuinely excited, but at the same time, why make 3 more movies just for them to probably fall and burn?


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