Review: Avatar - The Way of Water

It’s been over a month since Avatar: The Way of Water hit theaters. The movie has seen tremendous success, grossing $1 billion in its first two weeks alone. Although the second Avatar movie has only recently been released, its director, James Cameron, has already unveiled the concept of the third film in the saga. In an interview with French Outlet 20 Minutes, Cameron stated that the next movie will feature “cultures different from those [he has] already shown.The fire will be represented by the ‘Ash People’. [He wants] to reveal the Na'vis from another angle because, for the moment, [he has] only shown their good sides. In the early films, there are very negative human examples and very positive Na’vi examples.”

I watched Avatar: The Way of Water during winter break, and I liked it so much more than the first Avatar. The storyline is so much richer with deeper characters with personalities and plot twists keeping you at the edge of your seat, not to mention the crisper graphics immersing you into the world. In my opinion, the addition of the “Ash People” would add so much more complexity to an already growing world. Showing the Na'vi from this negative angle will definitely keep the concept alive and interesting, I know I would go see it whenever it eventually gets released. The Na'vi have evolved from first being a meme because of their weird looks and shallowness of character to something close to everyone I know is talking about. I can’t wait to see how the mainstream consciousness changes surrounding this franchise.


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Colleen Hoover: #1 New York Times Bestselling Author