The Rivalry: Ike vs Davis Hoops

As some of you might know, Davis and Ike played against each other last Friday. The girls won 59-52 over Davis, and the boys lost 79-62 to Davis. They both were good games, and I will be recapping both of them. 
The Girls
The girls team won 59-52 in an upset over Davis. Davis hadn’t lost in Big Nine Conference play all year. Eisenhower was in control of this game for most of three quarters. They weren’t blowing out Davis but it didn’t feel too close. In fact, Ike was leading 44-35 going into the 4th quarter. The fourth quarter was back and forth until Davis started making it really close with 53-52 with a minute left. Then Eisenhower awoke and pulled away with 6 points in the final minute. Senior Mary Jones was dominant in the game scoring 30 points to tie her personal best in points. Other key performers were Junior Nevaeh Lopez with 8 points and Sophomores Ariana Ramos and Melia Contreras with 6 points apiece. 
The Boys
The boys team lost 79-62 to Davis. This game was a tale of two halves. Ike and Davis battled back and forth in the first half, with Ike leading 34-33 at halftime. Then in the second half, Davis took off, outscoring Ike by 12 and 8 in the 3rd and 4th quarters, respectively. Ike young players showed up for this game. Freshman Damien Pimentel and Lucas Stevens put in 14 and 13 points each, being the highest scorers. The score definitely was not indicative of how well Ike played in the first half, but a few costly mistakes in the second half and the game got quickly out of control. 



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