The Perks of Joining a Sport

There are many students that have taken part in at least one after school sport even without knowing all of the benefits sports can bring to the table. Some of these benefits include a healthier lifestyle, communication and teamwork skills, and leadership skills. Using these skills can help later on in life in further education, jobs and and the development of further life skills.

     When joining a school team, you join a community of people that likely enjoy similar things to you. This introduces you to so many people who can end up being unlikely friends. You learn to communicate and rely on your teammates to reach a common goal.

     There is also the benefit of gaining a higher self-confidence. The more you play and practice with your team the more experience and knowledge you gain. Learning new things that you aren't familiar with can be difficult, but it’s all the more satisfying when you are finally able to break in these new learnt ideas and actually utilize them.

     If you’re having trouble finding a reason to come to school, think about joining one of the IKE sports teams to get involved! The co-ed sports teams included this spring season are golf, tennis, and track. Then there’s boys soccer and baseball and girls fastpitch. We hope to see you there


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