Bowling Like Seniors

     Seniors are the base of any sport and activity. They pave the way for any newcomers and those returning. They set a legacy and bring fond memories. I've interviewed three returning seniors to see what they think. I asked them three questions. How did bowling affect you during high school? What do you think of the team this year? How long have you been bowling, both at Ike and in your general career?

Kendra Jade Jimenez:

     “Bowling has affected me during my time playing because it's shown me how you can take situations seriously and improve but at the same time bond with your friends or create friends with people I never thought I would have been friends with before. I think this season has great potential because of how the team has bonded as fast and has shown a level of understanding in what the sport means to ourselves and the people who support us.”

Alexandra Contreras:

     “During my time bowling, I've learned better teamwork, bonded with my team, and improved my skills.  I've made friends with so many people on my team for the past three seasons, and I consider my team family. This season so far has been wonderful. I love watching my teammates grow and improve. We may not win every match, but we do have fun, and that's what I love about this sport. This is my third year bowling for Ike.”
Vivi Armijo:

     “Bowling has been a big part of my middle and high school experience; it’s affected my social life in such a positive way because of the friends you make during the bowling season. It gives you an opportunity to talk to others, be excited for your teammates, and to strive for improvement when bowling. It feels like such a big accomplishment to be a captain this year, and I’m super proud of all of my teammates who have already improved so much over such a short period of time. I think this year’s season is going to go really well, and I’m excited to see what’s to come! I’ve been bowling for seven years; this is my 4th year bowling for Ike.”



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