2024 Eisenhower Baseball 

     The Eisenhower baseball season has started 3-2 at the time of this writing. They’re just starting and are out there every day trying to improve. I had the opportunity to interview some players, including senior shortstop/pitcher Branson Rozier and junior utility player Caden Sund, and get some of their outlook on the team.

     When talking about the goals for the season, Branson said, “I would say the goals for this season are to erase everything that happened in last year's season. Our goal this year is to work with the mindset that every one of us has to believe we are the best player on the field and play like a team rather than playing for yourself. My personal goal this year is to push my teammates and be as positive as I can leading this team.” Caden also said, “Our main goal for this season is to make it to the playoffs and win postseason games.”

     When talking about the feeling around the team, Caden said, “The feeling around the team is great this year. Everyone is really excited, and this is by far the most united our team has been in years. This year, we are really emphasizing positivity, and if I were to describe one thing we really keep in mind, it would be "we win as a team and lose as a team." One player cannot win a game for us, and one player cannot lose a game for us. It is a team effort..” Branson added to this by saying, “The feeling around the baseball field is positive and very fun to be around. Team dinners and practicing together these last couple weeks to bond and build some chemistry, and it has seemed to work well with how we have done our past couple of games.”

     What will surprise everyone about this team and make the team go places? Well, Branson said this: “This 2024 Eisenhower team was talked about as the laughing stock of Eisenhower sports, but I can promise everyone that this is not that same team. The effort and attitude this team has will take us beyond places others will not expect.” Caden also said, “One thing that surprises people is our mentality. For the last couple of years, the team has had the mindset of losing and people playing for themselves. This year, everyone is hungry to win and to also give 110% every day, whether it's in practice, the weight room, or games.”

     Why should people go out and support the team? According to Caden, “Students should support us because we have a lot of fun and positive energy. When students come and watch, they should expect electric defensive plays and an explosive offense that produces a lot of runs.” Branson also said, “Students should go out and support the Eisenhower baseball team because it is fun to spend Friday nights under the lights. In these big home games, we could really use everyone’s support! They should expect it to be very competitive and entertaining. See you there!”

     Well, this is your Eisenhower Baseball team. They play at home Friday night with a doubleheader at four against Moses Lake, and next week, they play in the Davis Ike Series. Go out and support your Eisenhower Cadet Baseball team.



2024 Cadet Tennis 


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