The Dangers of Drugs on Developing Minds

There are many dangers when taking psychedelics while having an underdeveloped brain. Some of these will include the ability to experience pleasure and reward, memory, and emotional development.

     When taken as a teen, drugs can affect the ability to experience pleasure and reward. When a young person uses drugs, their delicate balance is lost, and the brain's reward pathways are altered. In addition, many drugs deplete the brain's dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins production. This is bad because it could permanently affect the brain’s production of these chemicals, and you can be imbalanced if you aren't taking drugs.

     Drugs can affect your memory when taking drugs for an extended period of time while your brain is still developing. It should be noted that numerous drugs have been associated with cognitive memory deficits. This study shows that taking drugs for an extended period has been associated with cognitive memory deficits, which will affect your adult life and your memory in terrible ways.

     Drugs affect a teen’s emotional development if the brain is affected by repeated drug use. They will struggle to remember things, and their emotional development will be impaired. When your emotional development is impaired, you can struggle with motivation and become disruptive and violent.

     So, don't do drugs because, among many other things, they will hinder the ability to experience pleasure and reward, memory, and emotional development. These things are incredibly important to an adult and young mind, and if you do drugs, they could permanently impact these things in a way that cannot be reversed.



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