Shooter Safety at School 

     If you ask any teacher in IKE, they’ll tell you that this is the safest place you can be. But with everyone’s minds racing from the gang-related shooting on 9/12/23, can you be sure? Here’s what you can do if an active shooter is in the building.

     So far, there have been over thirty school shootings in 2023. Who’s to say it won’t happen at IKE? This is why you must be prepared at all times. This comes to our first point: don’t ignore anything suspicious. Being aware gives you warning signs of what is to come, and being careless when it comes to apprehensive behavior often leads to tragic consequences. Finding and reporting a potential safety risk can give you enough time to save your and others' lives.

     Second off, don’t waste time. Leave your belongings. Your life matters more than your phone or AirPods. Grab the attention of the people around you and run. 

     Next, don’t set off the fire alarm. Even though it seems like the right thing to do, as it catches people's attention and makes them flee, it's quite the opposite. The fire alarm noise could drown out the gunman’s sound, which won’t help you when the gunman is approaching. Plus, the gunman might already have control of the escape routes people may be taking.

     Another word of advice is learning not to run towards the police once you’ve escaped the chaos. The outside police squad may not accurately describe the shooter and may open fire on you. Make sure to raise your hands and have your palms open to assure the police officers you are no threat.

     Now, here are some things you should do. When fighting against the shooter, make sure to remember these three tips. Arm yourself first, as that is the most necessary of the three. Anything heavy or sharp should work (make sure it’s not too heavy because you may not be able to pick it up while the gunman is shooting). You can also throw smaller but weighty items to startle the gunman. 

     Next, aim for the vulnerable parts and fight in a group. Splitting people up to ambush the shooter can help, but sticking together as a group raises your chance of survival. A gunman is more likely to kill a singular person in a hallway than multiple. You should also run zig-zag and stay alert. Bullets only go in straight lines. This will confuse the gunman, making it harder for him to focus on one target. When going after the vulnerable parts, you want the gunman to drop the gun as quickly as possible. Aim for the neck, strike them on the head, or spray chemicals in their eyes.

     Blocking and barricading is another thing. If fleeing is not an option, and neither is fighting against the gunman, blocking and barricading can save the day. Lock the door, stack desks against it, and take cover underneath a teacher's desk. Turn the lights off and stay quiet. It’s been proven that a gunman will not waste time opening a locked door but rather go after unlocked rooms and more vulnerable people. 

However, if they do get in, hide behind large items that will stop a stray bullet. Some examples would be bulky furniture or a large concrete pillar. Additionally, make sure to stay out of the gunman’s sight. A flipped-over desk or shelves would suffice.

     Sadly, life isn’t as cheerful and kind as parents make it out to be. If you notice anything suspicious, tell an adult at school or use the Crime Stoppers program (an anonymous program where you can report crimes for a possible cash reward). If it’s super serious, always turn to law enforcement, which is 911 or 4911. The non-emergency phone number, which can be used to report stolen property, etc., is 509-575-6200. Let’s keep IKE safe!



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