Teachers! Slow Down!

     Students are constantly overwhelmed, overworked, and burnt out. Teachers continue to assign and assign work, not taking students' mental health into account, leaving us struggling to keep up. We are never given an opportunity to slow down. 

     While there are teachers who understand we have a lot of work and feel overwhelmed by the work, there are far too many teachers who do not understand that. Many of us wish to have more teachers such as this, ones who get that we have five other classes, but we get stuck with teachers who do not understand that, ones who assign busy work worth quite a few points, with due dates that if late are not accepted at all. Other teachers are not as flexible or understanding by any means. When we are constantly assigned assignments with little to no leeway, that becomes our biggest worry. With all our time spent on schoolwork, we are left with no time for ourselves, poorly affecting our mental health. Teachers and schools do not consider our mental health when giving us these large amounts of work over and over. 



To What End?


Two Kids, Two Cents: Holiday Edition