Red for Ed Protest!

There are no words I can type to truly explain what Yakima School District students did together in solidarity with our teachers. Davis, IKE, and Stanton all banded together on 3/28/2024 to show our school district that they cannot put our teachers, our education, and our students on the line. Our peaceful protest was shown loud and proud by wearing the color red and walking out after 5th period to show them that we will not be silenced. Our chants of “justice for our teachers” and “where's our money?” were heard by many and cheered by many. 

I am well aware that there are a lot of speculations going around about what happened with the school board and why we are protesting. These protesters are speaking out against the poor spending decisions made by our superintendent and school board. As of next year, we are expected to lose 22 staff members at IKE and 75.5 Positions throughout the district. All 22 of those teachers have made an impact at IKE, and all of them are deserving of respect from the district. Although this protest may not be able to help our current situation, it is still a reminder that our money needs to be managed better. We are angered that our education is being put on the line by people in power. Especially when those people in power are accustomed to getting bigger paychecks every year. 

There are many rumors being spread that IKE did not hold a peaceful protest and resorted to violence and endangering our students/staff. Those rumors are simply untrue. Walking out today, protesters were highly aware that our choices have consequences and that we need to show our opinions in a peaceful but powerful manner. That is exactly what Eisenhower High School did. I cannot speak on the actions of our other schools in the district, but I can tell you that IKE was well prepared for what we did on Thursday. 

One extraordinary leader during this protest was Esmeralda Gutierrez. She is one of our extremely talented dance girls who absolutely honored her coach in every way she could. She told me that she is fighting this hard because “ justice needs to be served to all of the teachers that are being “overpowered” by our district. Sadly our district is corrupted, it has come to a point where we will not be silenced even as students and stand with our teachers for this injustice.” Gutierrez tells me about Hailey Adikson when she says, “Words can not express how much my coach Hailey means to me, she is beyond one of the best people I know and deserves nothing but the best and success. Hailey has been there for me not only as a coach but even as a mother/big sister figure. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and shared amazing memories together. Knowing what the district allowed to happen to her as a young teacher trying to succeed absolutely broke me. I love Hailey with all of my heart and soul, and she’s worked so hard to get to where she is now and she does not deserve this. Hailey is the most funny, charismatic, sweetest, most beautiful soul I have ever been blessed to meet and have in my life. Hailey deserves justice.” During the protest, nothing could stop her from showing her support.  She truly inspired me when she told me, “They (admin) were very intimidating, but I knew I couldn’t let that manipulate me, so I took action and walked out and had everyone stand with me, having no fear. As soon as we started getting attention from the public, my heart started to lift up and I was beyond happy by the reactions we were getting, and also how many former cadets were helping as well. I am again beyond happy with the way the protest went and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”  I am proud to call this woman my classmate. 

While I am typing this, I am unsure of the impact we had on our school district, but I do know the impact we had on teachers. The creators of this protest hope our teachers know that your students will show you appreciation even when our superintendent doesn’t. This protest is our love letter to YSD teachers and paraeducators; your students stand with you. 


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