AI Restrictions? 

AI is continuously evolving as time goes on. It has reached the point where the public can create deep fakes of celebrities, politicians, and, most terrifying of all, regular citizens.

     Deep fakes are videos of people altered by artificial intelligence. They are used to spread misinformation and harm others. Deep fakes can also be used to create speeches by political leaders, which could spread dangerous misinformation and cause a lot of trouble worldwide.

     Deep fakes have been used to create revenge porn on minors, which has caused these teens to commit suicide from the relentless bullying from their peers and harassment from creeps online. One instance of this form of revenge porn is 14-year-old Mia Janin, who had taken her life due to bullying and cyberbullying from a group of boys at her school. These boys had used AI to make fake porn of the 14-year-old and used it to harass her even further. The group has also disgustingly done this to other teens and would harass them to send nudes.

     This isn’t only directed towards minors. Celebrities such as Taylor Swift have gone through this as well. Keep in mind that since this tool is available to the public, pedophiles could be making content for themselves using photos of children. The main issue with this is how easy it is to have a photograph or video of someone showing their face, and from there, people can use AI to plaster their face to blackmail, damage their reputation, or use it for sick personal use.

     AI should be restricted, or it shouldn’t be accessible to the public to make videos using images of people. Make it so that they have to identify themselves before they use the service, or have laws put in place so that they could be punished. An obvious watermark could also be put on the videos, or it could cost to make videos and/or photos.



Red for Ed Protest!


The Queer “Agenda”