Back When I was in High School...
Mrs. Bonds
What is one thing you would tell your senior year self?
Enjoy being young and beautiful while it's easy. But seriously, being an adult is a trap, don't hurry.
What is your biggest regret senior year?
I was so ready to get out of town and get off to college that I didn't slow down and appreciate some of the once-in-a-lifetime moments like Prom and Graduation. I went, but I wasn't really there mentally and emotionally. I said no to a date with a nice guy instead of appreciating the people around me who I'd never see again.
What would you tell students who did not know what they want to do in life yet?
Don't close any doors on yourself. If you don't graduate, if you go into debt, if you get into legal trouble, if you waste your time in an unhealthy relationship -- those can all be "closing the door" on yourself. You might realize too late that you can't do what it is you want to do, or at least you're making chasing your dreams much harder than it already is.
When it comes to choosing college, what piece of advice would you give seniors?
Don't go somewhere expensive if you're going to have a modest career. I made the mistake of going to an expensive private liberal arts college, but teachers don't make much money.
Is there any other piece of advice you would give seniors?
To live a satisfying life, you need to find a purpose in life that is bigger than yourself. It is a very American concept to think that our job has to be our "dream job." I've appreciated traveling and getting to know people from other cultures who are not entirely defined by their jobs. Their job is what they do to pay for the things they really want to do. Whether it's in your job or outside your job, I hope you have a dream or passion that makes a difference in the lives of others, not just benefits yourself.
Francisco Garcia
What is one thing you would tell your senior year self?
Focus on what you need to complete what you need now so you do not struggle later in life.
What is your biggest senior year regret?
I would say not pushing myself past the limits I know I can get to and procrastination on base level things.
What would you tell students who do not know what they want to do in life yet?
Just focus on what you like to do whether it is academic or anything else, and years of experience go a long way.
When it comes to choosing college, what piece of advice would you give seniors?
Look for a spot where you can achieve a lot so you can get further in life, it is not all parties and games.
Is there any other piece of advice you would give seniors?
Do not take senior year for granted because before you know it, it will be the last day of senior year and it will have gone by so fast you did not get to enjoy it.
Mrs. Vanbeek
What is one thing you would tell senior year you?
To let go of the little things in life and be excited for what is to come, do not be fearful.
What is your biggest senior year regret?
I cut myself off from people I went to high school with because I knew I was going to far for college.
What would you tell students who do not know what they want to do in life yet?
Go to community college and take a humanities course, the more you know how different the world is compared to your personal little bubble the more possibilities you will get.
When it comes to choosing a college, what piece of advice would you give seniors?
There is nothing wrong with starting at a community college especially if you don’t know what you want to do. You can go to a community college and take prerequisite courses and SAVE MONEY.
Is there any other piece of advice you would give seniors?
Try all the things, join a new club, try a spring sport you thought you wouldn't like, talk to the person you thought you could never talk to, but most importantly let go of what everyone thinks about you because it does not matter.