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Your thoughts on college? Are you scared Of the future?

College isn’t for everyone, and that is ok. It truly is up to you and what you want to do in life. For some people, college is a time to figure things out, who you want to be, what you want to do in life, and college is a great space to figure all of that out. But you can totally figure all of that out without college. College can also just be where you learn a trade, or skill, or what you will need to know for your career. Overall college is neither a bad idea or a good idea. It truly just depends on what you want for your future and what makes the most sense for you. Currently, I’m incredibly excited for the future; I don’t really know what the future holds, but that’s the beauty of it, nothing is set in stone and as a senior this is the start of my adult life which is incredibly scary but so so so exciting. 

When it comes down to it, the benefits and disadvantages of going to college are not all black and white. No one can say college is a good or bad idea without knowing the situation, like how much it will cost and what type of degree you plan on getting. All of this should play into your college decision-making. Of course, I’m a little bit nervous for the future. Moving on into adulthood is scary, but I try to remind myself that as long as I’m doing my best things when it comes to the things I am in control of, things should work out, there is no need to worry about the things you can’t control.

What is the best way to get over a breakup?

Every relationship will be different, so how you heal and process every breakup will be different. Lots of self-care and surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good and bring you up. 

There is only one way to get over a breakup and that is to cut your ex out of your life completely. That sounds harsh, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be forever, but in the beginning of a break up, it is important that you are doing your best not to talk to or worry about that person; otherwise, you will have no time or energy to spend healing yourself. Sometimes you just have to block them and never look back, and other times you may be able to reconcile with your ex once you have both moved on, but cutting off contact at the very beginning of your breakup is key.

How to be more confident?

To become more confident in yourself requires a lot of self-reflection, understanding who you truly are, and coming to peace with it. Learning to love yourself is the biggest and hardest part of learning confidence. Trust your gut and learn how to be comfortable in your own skin. Find what you enjoy in life and what makes you happy and just know you can only live for yourself. 

Confidence is not a physical item you can obtain, it is a state of mind; therefore, you are in control of your own self-esteem, so fake it until you make it. If you have a seemingly confident energy to the people around you, people will begin to treat you as though you are a person with confidence, and that is when the real feelings of confidence will begin to manifest in you. 

I don't really know what to do after high school is over what should i try? Also, what are your opinions on loft house cookies? They good or overrated to the two of you?

Well the options are pretty much endless for what you want to do with your life. If you plan on going to college I would say enjoy your summer as much as you can before you leave, if not start figuring out a plan for the future. No matter what your goal is, you've got to have a plan to get there! And loft house cookies are my favorite cookies :)

Here's a few simple steps you can take after you finish high school to continue moving forward in life even if you don’t know exactly what you want to do next: get a job, go to community college, save, invest, and explore your options for what you would like to do next. Also, I love loft house cookies.



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