Journalism is More than a Class

Are you stressed and burnt out from facing an endless grind of confusing classes on a daily basis? Do you need something fun, relaxing, and creative in your school day? Do you enjoy writing in any way, shape, or form? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, journalism is the class for you! 

The workload is not nearly as heavy as that of other classes. 

     If you continually struggle to keep up with the endless cycle of assignments in your classes, journalism is the class for you! All you would need to do is write one article per month. You come up with a pitch , write a rough draft , and then let the editors get to editing. As long as you can complete the modest work of one article per month, you are guaranteed to pass with either an A or B. How simple is that? 

It is a great opportunity to build friendships. 

     If you are seeking new friendships, journalism can be a great place to start! This is a class that is structured around collaboration and teamwork. Students have many opportunities to work together, such as when discussing pitch ideas or revising articles. We have so many helpful editors that help and support writers throughout the writing and editing process! The freedom to write and work together creates a very positive and relaxing environment that supports the growth of friendships along the way.

It is a great opportunity to express your creativity, opinions, or writing skills.

     Many writers in the newspaper use this chance to share the news with others, express their opinions on politics, music, or movies, or write about the many great clubs and sports that we have here at IKE. You can write about pretty much anything that is appropriate for a high school setting while continuing to build your writing skills. The sky's the limit!

It's a great addition to resumes or college applications. 

     If you are seeking acceptance for a job or university in the future, a role in Eisenhower’s Newspaper is a great addition to your resume. Being a journalist shows that you are committed to a great cause, creative, and not afraid to speak your mind and try new things. Any institution will be happy to have someone like that!
If you are now convinced that journalism is the class for you, talk to your advisory teacher or counselor about registering for next year. You definitely won’t regret taking advantage of this opportunity for fun, friendships, creativity, and growth!



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