Fire and Ice Give Love Advice
If you really love someone is it worth long distance??
Fire: So long as you’ve actually met the person before I don’t see anything wrong with long distance. You just have to openly communicate and keep in touch as much as possible.
Ice: It can really depend on the relationship, how do both of you feel about long distance and do you both have the same feelings for each other. Just make sure you know this person in real life, such as a in-person hangout.
Do I drop my Ex if they want me back but they've done me wrong a few times?
Fire: In the wise words of J. Cole, “Fool me one time on shame on you, fool me twice can’t put the blame on you.” Drop them!!
Ice: Drop them. One is a mistake but multiple times is a pattern.
I have liked my best friend for a long time, should I ask her out or stay friends?
Fire: Ask her out! Taking the risk is better than never knowing. Besides, who’s to say you can’t still be friends if she doesn’t feel the same.
Ice: Weigh the pros and cons of the situation, will it negatively affect this friendship? Will it affect other friendships? But if you really like this person then go for it, seriously go for it.
How do you know if they're the one for you?
Fire: You know they’re the one when you’re still able to go through the “crush” phase all over again a year, 3 years, and into marriage. They’re the one when you still get nervous around them and when they help you when you’re sick or injured, or include you in their plans with friends or with family.
Ice: When you feel butterflies each time you see them or each time someone mentions their name. When you can never see them too much, when you get so comfortable that your time relaxing can include them. You really know they are the one for you when there is not just a “crush” phase but you always feel like you have a crush on them.
What idea would be good for a valentine proposal ?
Fire: A good idea for a valentine proposal is something private but creative. You could always make a bouquet out of pipe cleaners or ribbon and make a card asking them.
Ice: Find a hobby or something they are interested in. Maybe Sanrio, reading, crochet, heck even stamp collecting, maybe gift a bouquet of flowers with something they enjoy inside of it, hot wheels, candies, ect. Maybe a word play too. Something homemade is also a good idea, a painting, something made from clay, a love letter, just make sure you make it with love and put effort into it.
What if she says something worse than NO?
Fire: If she says something worse than no then maybe she really wasn't the right person.
Ice: Maybe it is a sign that she is not the person for you. Be thankful to not be stuck in a relationship out of obligation.
I just left a toxic relationship but I'm struggling to get through it because I still feel attached to them. How can I detach myself from them and help myself move on?
Fire: You can detach yourself by reminding them of all they did to wrong you and all that was bad about them, then focus on just yourself. Find what you like doing and focus on that.
Ice: Cut off all communication with them, separate from them completely or you will not be able to fully detach from them. Remember all the things they did, things they said, and their overall behavior during the relationship.