Bathroom Crisis 

     Oh, wow, the bathrooms. What a great “privilege,” right? That being said, why treat it like a privilege when it’s really something so much more? It's a basic human right that is, quite literally, being taken away from students like you. I’m sure that when you think of school, the last thing you think about is the bathrooms. It might be insignificant to you right now, but there are people out there genuinely being impacted by this school’s bathroom policy. And who knows? It might affect you next.

     Now, what even is the bathroom policy in the first place? If you’ve somehow been living under a rock, the school has implemented rules that stop students from going to the bathroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class. They also close the bathrooms during lunch. I get why they do this, but it’s mostly because of past experiences with kids messing around in the bathrooms. A responsible solution, sure, but it’s not fair to get rid of a “privilege” for all students when only a select few are acting out. That’s called collective punishment, which is, ironically, collectively frowned upon.

     I’m sure you can see where the irritation is coming from. If you can’t, let me simplify it for you. Lunchtime is our break time; the passing period can’t possibly count purely because we usually have no time to do anything other than walk to class. I mean, most people can barely even go to the bathroom during passing periods; that’s how short it is. Either way, closing our bathrooms during lunchtime... Is that really a smart idea? If we add 10 minutes to the classes before and after lunch, when we’re not allowed a bathroom break, that rounds out to be a total of 50 minutes. 50 minutes of no bathroom breaks! That’s insane.

     You might be wondering where I’m going with this. Of course, you can’t expect me to be able to just rant on about this without giving proper solutions. Fortunately for me, I’ve asked around, and I’ve managed to find a good resolution to this bathroom crisis. Just hear me out here. Why don’t we just have people watching the bathrooms during lunchtime? Wouldn’t that make a bit more sense than forcing people to hold in their natural needs? I think it would, and multiple other students happen to agree with me, too.

     All in all, I’m genuinely frustrated and disappointed with the school right now. Bathrooms are a right, not a privilege. You’ve already taken away our mirrors, but you can’t take away our opinions. You simply cannot expect us to be able to put needs like this aside. It’s uncomfortable and can be distracting to learning if kept unchecked. I’ve had my fair share of walking all around the school simply because I couldn’t find an unlocked bathroom. It’s irritating to no end.



Cosmic Coffee Delights 


The Hazy World of Restrooms and The Rules