How the Real Ghostbusters Shaped Modern Media

Have you ever watched Ghostbusters, The Conjuring, or even Annabelle, and wondered where the idea for these movies even came from? How could one person possibly think of a concept as scary as that? The truth is, these stories aren’t completely made up. They are based off of, and heavily inspired by actual demonic and spiritual phenomena.

     One thing that all of the horror movies have in common, is that they all relate to Ed and Lorraine Warren's research. Ed and Lorraine Warren were demonologists, and they spent the majority of their lives helping others, and fighting the demonic and inhumane spirits. They also helped humane spirits cross over. Not only did they help in the spiritual realm, they always helped others and animals in every way they could. In the Ghostbusters movies, they use technology and devices to detect spirits and even trap them. In the movies, all of those devices were pretty cool looking, and extreme. Especially, the little tracker device that would beep in the presence of spirits. 

     The movie's interpretation of how spirits are dealt with are not far off. According to Ed Warren, spirits use electromagnetic frequencies to communicate with our world. In their research, many spirits communicate through radios. So, the use of technology is used in paranormal investigations, but it isn’t as intense as the big laser gun in Ghostbusters. The Conjuring and Annabelle series are actually based on real cases that the Warrens helped in,  and did a great job showing their clairvoyant, empathic, and spiritual abilities. If it weren’t for the Warrens, some of the most influential horror movies wouldn’t exist. Not to mention, the awareness of the paranormal world would not have reached millions of people.





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