¡Cinco de Mayo! 

Last Friday, our school held an event for Cinco De Mayo. Clubs such as FCCLA and Drama were scattered on the street outside of IKE, serving food. This event also brought food trucks from businesses such as King’s Tacos, Blissful Bites, and many other establishments. A variety of foods, such as pizza, burritos, tacos, donuts, candy, and Cheetos dipped in cheese, were served.

     Unlike in past years, the lunches were not combined; we had first lunch and second lunch. There was some speculation from students that the lines would be too long and it would make it hard to get food, but it went very smoothly and everyone was able to be served. It was likely because not every student was able to attend the outdoor part of the event.

     To enter this event, you had to have a green wristband, which was given out in Advisory before the event. In order to get a wristband you had to have good attendance, meaning you were supposed to be 80% or higher excused from absences, which is usually the case for every outside lunch event. In other words, you needed fewer than 6 unexcused absences or tardies.

     Overall, most students were allowed into this event, which was a success for teachers and students.    

     The freedom to go outside and choose your food on a sunny spring day to celebrate a cultural event was a really fun way to end a week which was full of state testing for hundreds of our students.



Ike Leadership: 2024-2025 


O.J. Simpson Dies