What is an OBE? An OBE is an Out of Body Experience that directs your consciousness or state of awareness out of your own body to be able to roam to different dimensions. (Dimensions are the reality we experience daily, except different ones would be dimensions we have no real understanding of, allowing us to explore realms or even see ourselves from a different perspective.)  The definition given of an OBE is “a sensation of being outside one's own body, typically of floating and being able to observe oneself from a distance.”

     Lucid Dreaming is almost one of the same with OBEs, but you're dreaming instead and a Definition for Lucid dreams would be “ A type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming.” Lucid dreaming is rarer than you might think, and only half of the population know the phenomenon from personal experience, it takes practice and awareness, but you must not force it. Keep it in the back of your mind when you're planning on going to sleep, so the brain has it in the subconscious when forced lucid dreaming is less likely to happen, so keep your mind open and allowing.

     How can you perform an OBE?. Simply start by researching methods that feel comfortable to you., For example, there is a Rope technique, Ladder technique, and others that could range from pulling yourself out of your own body to floating. Still, after you have found a technique that resonates with you, try meditating by closing your eyes and calming your brain either in a criss-cross with your legs or laying down on your bed or a flat surface. Now keep your mind as active as your body starts to fall asleep. It is no easy task, nor is it something I can explain. It's something you have to experience yourself. Your body can fall asleep while your mind stays awake, and you should know you're doing it right when your body starts to jitter, not a lot, just randomly. Your leg or arm will twitch. That's your body getting almost used to the fact that it can rest while the mind stays aware, now image your hand moving in your head almost but not, you should feel your astral body trying almost to escape but feel the movement in your “hands,” and if you're on the rope technique, use your astral hands to grab an imaginary rope hanging over your body to then pull your whole astral body out of your physical body, keep in mind this will more than likely not work on your first attempt.

     Should I be worried about anything? not necessarily no, but to clear some confusion, no you can not lose your physical self no matter how far you go or what realm you enter, your spirit will always be connected to your vessel, so you don't have to worry about losing yourself, but when it comes to negative entities or negative energy, most are never ready to see what is on the lower realms or more negative realms, it could be scary for someone who is inexperienced with traveling into different realms, so that would be the only real warning. You could even talk with your spirit guides, but it's almost the same thing with lower realms meaning some aren't ready to talk, and if you aren't, your spirit won't let you, and neither will your spirit guides.



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National Honor Society