¡Almuerzo Lluvioso!

On Friday, May 6th, Eisenhower High school got the chance to revive a timeless tradition: the annual Cinco de Mayo festival! The street was filled with booths of Cadets and community members alike selling tasty treats that filled the street with appetizing aromas as joyful students and staff roamed between booths to purchase food, or perhaps tended to their own booths to support a club or activity that they participate in. Because, as we all know, community is a vital aspect of Ike.

     This Cinco de Mayo event expressed just how eager the Ike community is to join back together to enjoy these better days. And of course, the delicious food was a great touch. As the event progressed, one thing became clear: there are no difficulties that can diminish the IKE spirit. Whether it’s pandemic related issues, rain, or lockdowns, Eisenhower will always persevere through the hard times and continue to find opportunities for unity. 

     Personally, that unity is one of my favorite things about our school. We have a wide variety of clubs, sports, and other activities that students can take part in, and they might seem like their own separate worlds at times, but in the end, we are always in this together as Cadets. For assemblies, lunch events, and even not-so-happy times, we have stuck together and pushed through. The Cinco de Mayo festival is just one of many examples, and there are many more for everyone to look forward to, whether you enjoy spending time with friends or simply eating the food. Have a great day and remember, We Are Ike!



Adventurous America
