Save the Cadet Canteen! 

     Help support the Cadet Canteen and your school! Recently, the canteen has been in danger of going out of business. This store is a way to help fund various events that have happened over the years, such as the longer lunches, assemblies, etc. The canteen used to make $300 to $400 a day. However, now it’s only making about $10 to $50 per day. 

     This seems to be due to the new Satellite Cafe opening up, which uses the money elsewhere, not on any IKE programs. “We would like to find a way to make both exist together. It would be nice to help each other succeed.” This is the thought of several staff members at IKE, not wanting the Cadet Canteen to go out of business while also helping the Satellite Cafe stay in business. Yet, the Canteen is going out of business and needs your help! So come to the Cadet Canteen during lunch and order some food!

   The next time you need a snack, take your money to the Cadet Canteen so that your money comes back to Eisenhower to support our programs.  If you need a caffeinated beverage, head to the Satellite Café. Since we have two options, let’s make sure we use both options.  That way we can have the best of both worlds! But if you are not sure which one to buy from, by from the Canteen!



Richland Case