Eisenhower Clubs

Clubs! You know them, or do you? I have noticed that some clubs don't get as much attention as others, and I think that is because people haven't heard of them. So I'm here to solve that problem. Here are two clubs you may be unfamiliar with.

The first club on our list is the “All About Books” club. If you love reading, this is the club for you. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. As a group, they decide how many pages they want to read of a book, and then in the next meeting, they discuss what they read and what might happen next.  Right now, they are reading a book called  “Yellowface.” They are also very active with our school. Remember those snow ones that were being sold when the food trucks were here? That was them! And that’s not all. I heard they are coming out with some big things this year! Firstly, they are doing a sort of “Speed Dating” event. Basically, you are given two or so minutes to read from one book, and then you move on to the next. After everyone has had a chance to sample all the books, you discuss what was your favorite and why you liked it so much. Also, I heard that the book club is looking for a logo, something that can be their brand, and they are going to be holding a competition for it, so keep your eyes out for that.

The second club I want to bring to your attention is the Environmental Club. They meet on Wednesdays in room 629 after school. They are focused on raising awareness about environmental issues and empowering their members/students to make changes in their community to improve our environment.  They do all sorts of stuff, like volunteering, and at the moment, they are working on a native plant garden project here at school. They are also fundraising to go on a whale watching/ocean education tour.  But most importantly, they hang out and just have fun.

Those are just 2 of the amazing clubs that are out there! There are so many more that you might like, and it is really great for school spirit. But just in case these clubs don’t interest you, here is a link to a list of other clubs you may find yourself interested in. And remember, it doesn’t hurt to check out a club. In the worst-case scenario, you don’t join. In the best case, you find an amazing place with people who are kind and fun.

Follow this link to the list of clubs:



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